I had a pretty nasty day yesterday. Fought with a teacher. I even went to extent of telling the truth: He doesn't teach well and wastes our time. Then had a long, winding and an irritating talk with another teacher. Why are these people so bent upon creating problems for us. Thr first guy is the worst. Telling lies about how he spoke for us. Spineless creature! Be a man dude! I think he has only the moustache as sign of masculinity. Hell, women have got pretty good character. I think I will stop before I embark on a character assassination.
So my sessionals will be in the drains I guess. But I will fight back if he tries reduce my marks. Gonna work hard on his subject. Lucky its not such a hard subject.
In other news I got an interview call from MICA (Mudra Insitute of Communication, Ahmedabad). A long cherished desire. But some problems: financial, academical etc...
Imagine my blog without an entry for one week...
Some would say "Good Riddance!"
Some others "He blogged?"
Some others "Whatever..."
I think (hope) some would miss me...
I post at a regular frequency. May be 4-5 times a week for many months now. Sometimes it may be a (another) poll when I got nothing to write or feeling lazy. Still I posted.
Next week is in its entirety devoted to the train journey to and from Anand and the selection process at IRMA on 23rd. I will be back on sunday the 26th. So what can you expect then? I had been contemplating a story for a long time and was saying the same to Meenu while we were chatting. I had fallen asleep today evening and saw an incredible and surreal dream (Though I could'nt see it completely). In came the creative juices. I told the juices to hold your horsies as my friends would flay me if I write a story now. They are quite angry at me for a lacklustre attitude at interview preparations. I promise a story later. I have'nt kept many of my promises. Like my kindergarden days or my biased review of harry Potter. I hope to keep up with this one.
So what you can expect?
Made a compilation of my best posts (according to me basically!)
Lets call it...
Rockus Narus: So far so good
1. Why Rock? (Scroll down!)
2. The Big Dog's Dawg (Adieu my friend...)
3. The Edge of Reasoning...
4. Series Sam
5. One Wild Night-I
6. My Music
7. Skeletons Crawl out of my closet
8. Ten Commandments
9. My Self...
10. Out In the cold-I,II,III
11. The Forbidden Places...
12. Manmohan Day!
So Adios Amigos till I return...
1 week ago
hey dude,
am the first one to comment all i want to tell u now is "for heaven's sake do some preparation for ur interview sessions !!!!" & a big "all the best" for u i knw tht this is a big dream of urs i wish and pray for it to come true
happy journey naru
MAN MICA is tuff.. virtual fish market, all those debate and non techie kidilams will show up:( BOL !!!!!!!
All the Best for IRMA :)
atb man! go get em!
I would like to repeat what divakar said.. Plz yaar prepare well... U have it in u... All the very best for IRMA.. We will pray for u and give us another reason to party(booze)...
"I think (hope) some would miss me..."
Arti raises her finger
"In other news I got an interview call from MICA (Mudra Insitute of Communication, Ahmedabad). A long cherished desire. But some problems: financial, academical etc..."
Arti says TRUST GOD
"Next week is in its entirety devoted to the train journey to and from Anand and the selection process at IRMA on 23rd. I will be back on sunday the 26th."
Arti says happy Journey and ALL THE BEST
"I had been contemplating a story for a long time"
Arti smiles and says ... I am waiting
"They are quite angry at me for a lacklustre attitude at interview preparations."
Arti says .. yeah you better prepare urself well :D
bon voyage my friend ! And best of luck !
all d best for your interview. i'll be waiting for your next post. :)
nice page man..i guess u ahv to b like some programming expert to do stuff like that..real nice..
@divakar: Thanx man. Not that any prep really helped.
@Kickasso: Yeah dude! MICA is fish market. Still having secong thoughts of going there :-(
@Meenu: Hey thanks. I wish ur wishes wud help me get selected!
@poison: Went there! Not sure if I got 'em! How abt u man? How was NMIMS?
@Panackal: Gujarat is a dry state dude! I hope we get a chance to fill our "tanks"!!! :-D
@Arti: Thanx for the elaborative comment! :-)
@Neetika: I am back and rearing to post! But exams nearby :-(
@Cybermenace: Thanks! I hope that wishes would help me!
@Illusion: Thanx and wait for some posts!
@icy highs: Good lord! you have 3 blogs and u write in all! Good going man. And you don't need to be a programming dude to do all this stuff. Just a little template editing with online tools thaz all!
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