Been tagged by Arti and Poison...It about the things I hate. I am a very gentle person and hates hate...But sometimes I feel the dark emotions surging through my mind...:-P
So here goes nothing...
1. I hate incompetent show offs. I have been seeing a lot of them these days in college. Had the "fortune" of working with one guy last colloquium and he almost made me swear in public and knock his teeth out. And now we have couple of teachers like that who behave as if they are the best but knows nothing...
2. I am a pedestrian most of the time and I enjoy my walks. Some rash drivers make my life difficult. I hate them.
3. I hate people who are prejudiced against my taste in music. I don't force anyone to hear my playlist. (Except for my unfortunate project mates :-D) Live and let live.
4. I hate the very notion of reservation for the so called "oppressed classes". Might be true in North India but certainly a false notion in my state.
5. I hate people who don't care about the environment.
6. I hate people who don't pay taxes.
7. I hate people who make a scene deliberately to show they had been drinking. Learn to hold your wine!
8. Smoking in front of children. Did I mention self loathing somewhere?
9. I hate girls who dress up like vamps and behave like one.
10. I hate guys who were low waist just to show their underwear. I hate it.
11. I hate the insurgent terrorists in India. LeT, ULFA etc.
12. I hate communists and marxists in Kerala and also the Muslim league.
13. I hate the pseudo secularist policies of political parties. They are sowing the seed for a big disaster in future.
Now I am stopping at the number of the beast!
On to the tagging ceremony...
Meenu (let us see what makes u go grrrr!)
The fellowship (people do the tags!)
1 week ago
reg #6, do u hate people who exploit loopholes too? :-?
6. I hate people who don't pay taxes
Whew!! Thank god I am a salaried person. :))
I like your list!!!!
"I hate the pseudo secularist policies of political parties. They are sowing the seed for a big disaster in future."
Very true indeed, if not checked we are in for a civil war soon ..
:( u hate a lesser no of than i do! :D it looks like the no. of things to hate goes down n down as the tag gets passd on and on. i am a lover of the 'live n let live' policy..hakuna matata :)
"4. I hate the very notion of reservation for the so called "oppressed classes". Might be true in North India but certainly a false notion in my state."
~ was going to mention this, but could not find the right words...
"10. I hate guys who were low waist just to show their underwear. I hate it."
I hate it too ... but many gurls are going to hate u for it =))
Now I am stopping at the number of the beast!
I wrote the 14th point because I did not want to end on 13th :D
Nice list
@fishdude: Strong words in ur blog about me man! I need to make one thing clear about those points...I wont go around beating up those people...its just that I dont like them. But i will let them live...try to understand things before u try to be the Mr.Iamacynicalanalyzer and write about others...Got that punk?
@Duttan: I am all for evasion through investments...atleast the money is going to be of some productive use.
@Silverine: Salaried people are nice they don't evade taxes like the big doctors and lawyers do...
@Neetika: People do say iam a strange guy :-P
@cybermenace: Nice to see someone who thinks alike...i have these horrible visions at times...:-(
@Poison: Hakunamatata!
@Arti: Thts really something I hate...reservations going to the undeserved ones while the needy is not benefitted!
hey!..just saw my name on the tag list..this one is gonna be a challenge..thx..
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