Now for the second part!
The next day was Pattus Birthday. ( no I didnt forget to use the nick). All of the guys decided to give him a good "kani" (refer the movie Meesha Madhavan) at the daybreak. All of them were sitting really hard not to fall asleep.
Ass time came nearer, oops!,as time came nearer Palmer and Arhie passed out. The others went and showed their "Softwares and Hardwares" and gave Pattu a pants as his gift.
Suddenly someone came and told that Palmer had thrown up. They went to the room and it was nasty. Rajguru cleaned up with the help of Garfield. Now everyone wanted to go to sleep.
The room mate of Palmer and Archie was left.
Rajguru asked him," You can handle things here, right?"
"Ok then Iam going"
The mate made a bed out of a chair and sofa. He switched off the lights then tripped on a bag to fall, luckily into his makeshift bed and passed out...
1 week ago