I have not been in best of health since last week. Sudden temperature fluctuations coupled with nausea spells have made life pretty miserable. I drift towards morbid thoughts in these times. My remedial measures for such thoughts? Gross out others with these thoughts!
Me: All my innards are melted!
Neo gives me a puzzled look.
Me: I am dying!
Neo: Is there anything new? I am trying to watch this programme. kthnxbye!
Me: You will see my dead body in the morning!'
Neo: Don't give hope!
Me: You will see my body hanging from this fan when you wake up!
Neo: Won't be a pretty sight. Especially since you don't wear a lungi with no underwear.
Me: Directly over you. Hanging. You know what people do when they are hanged?
Neo: They die?
Me: They shit. Now imagine being awakened by some warm sludge on your body.
Neo is gagging.
Me: I wonder if there is a dead wood like morning wood. If thats so, then it would be scene that would mentally scar you for life!
1 week ago