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Bhramaram: Upcoming Mohanlal-Blessy movie

Picture gallery from The Complete Actor.

Great premise. Two supremely talented people.

I sincerely hope this movie will erase the nightmares provided by Sagar Alias Jacky and to a much lesser extent Calcutta News. SAJ always smelled a rat given the involvement of Antony Perumbavoor, Mohanlal's closest confidant and self proclaimed biggest fan. Calcutta news was a far bigger disappointment due to Blessy's brilliant earlier ventures. Mohanlal looks rugged for the role and looks like he is playing someone closer to his age. Even though the same cannot be said about Bhoomika Chawla, she looks smoking hot!

For once, a movie gives hope of being a shade of the brilliance provided by our movies of 80's and early 90's. Even if its a very little shade, a lot of people will be happy.

See and download the full gallery on posterous

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