It seems my life is being sucked into a of all people, suffering a never ending torture...
University has screwed me again, this time with a big spade!
My exam was preponed mere days before happening and I had no clue!
Yeah, yeah! Call me a dumb ass! But still it was not supposed to happen!
and an unfair revaluation rejection...
So, whatsupwiththat?
Likelihood of losing my job...I would be really glad if I lose that big raise that everybody is looking forward, rather than the job. TBMS has been running through my vain for the past 4 months and it would be great loss...for the company! :-P
End of the road?
Not quite...another offer may materialize (just may!) or I would have to go and teach some new kids what technical communication is all about for some 8 months or so! Not that I am not fond of it, but the pay will be a pittance...once hooked to can never get the kick off!
With my experience it would be arrogance to speak about money...still...talent=money in my book!
Will get a clearer picture in the coming days...probably today...
For me clearer would be the apt word. Haziness and uncertainty will never cease in my life...never!
P.S: A wonderful site I stumbled upon Self Creation. I liked it immensely. If only people had the mind and patience to read through, they would be happier in life.
1 week ago
The only certain thing in life in its Uncerainty :D
Kerala university sucks alright..with the schedules getting changed just days before the exam *sigh*
I hopes everything clears up real soon...and about the site..good one :)
controlled(?) or uncontrolled(?) chaos(?) :D
I just hope things turn out well in the end ... :)
Life sometimes has lots of surprises in store for you, the gift wrapping just takes time to come off ;)
Praying for u
@freebird: Uncertainty...indeed!
@akhil: uncontrolled! :P
@arti: well...i sure hope so! :-)
The door seems didnt close! :P
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