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Showing posts from January, 2009

All the hoopla!

The Indian blog world is in flames over Barkha Dutt (NDTV journo) suing a blogger named Chyetanya Kunte regarding certain comments he made in a post regarding the 26/11 coverage. Basically he called her an idiot and said the coverage endangered lives. The post is gone, but you can read it from Google's cache . Scroll down for the post. (offtopic: Internet is lot like Las Vegas; what happens in Vegas stays in Vegas!) Kunte succumbed to the pressure  and made a very legal looking withdrawal of statement post . Bloggers have been calling for Dutt's head and to be frank rightfully so! The fourth estate or so called custodians of Democracy is unwilling to bear with criticism? Just head over to the Facebook discussion where Barkha threatens another person. Immature, and a total one at that. Barkha has every right to defend against the allegations. She could have explained her position or if its not worth her time she could have just ignored it! Instead she went for a lawsuit to shut...


I am in a rush and microblog won't do for me! You see, I have a sort of obsessive compulsive disorder (ask certain friends!) and I have to do when I have to do! So I am blogging about practically nothing. Not a new thing for you long time readers anyway. Started using . A pretty cool service. Practically its Twitter for music. Check it out and see for yourself! The link points to a song by Oasis , Stop Crying Your Heart Out . I just love this one. It appears in the movie The Butterfly Effect towards the end. I like that movie eventhough its a bit corny. About making things right by travelling back in time...sometimes you do wish, don't you? Don't lie! Do check out my Twitter feed . I tweet about a lot of random information which are practically useless and junk. Very entertaining though in a geeky manner. Ok, I am stopping this blatant self promotion and leaving. Have a great weekend! Hold up Hold on Dont be scared Youll never change whats been and gone May your sm...

Bye Bye Bush!

At last! Good riddance! I can't believe I was rooting for this asshole in 2000. Have a look at this Onion article for how Bush had planned this all along for the betterment of USA! We can be sarcastic, livid, or sad depending on our nature; but George Bush has been a plague upon this earth. Lets face the facts. President of USA is the most powerful man on Earth. There is no questioning that. Spider Man's uncle once said, "With great powers come great responsibility." In the hands of this Baboon, power was misused and a country was misled to a great strife. His so called "War against terror!", alienated and disillussioned a large number of young men. They were made excellent fodder for the fanatical religious leaders. No matter how much we speak about equality in this world, everyone should acknowledge the fact that it is us geeks that make the world. Dubya was so successful in disenfranchising young geeks that they channeled their efforts for the most heino...

Escape from the Vermins

Women...the unique creation specifically designed to drive poor, mere mortal men nuts. They are trouble personified. They are inferior and their existence is solely for the continuance of our species. They are a menace. Someone aptly said, "Women! Can't live with them. Can't live without them!" But now, the times have changed. We have attained the power. We have attained immortality. Finally we can get rid of the impure vermins from our world forever. And they did... Manjula Padmanabhan's Escape is set in a "world" without women. "World" is a nation which has attained mastery in cloning and is ruled by clone Generals. They have killed of the female kind and it is the worst dystopia imaginable. Vast tracts of land have been reduced to wastelands. Lesser humanoids called Drones are created in factories for doing the menial work. Men live with the promise of eternal life through cloning. But there is one female left. Brought by her uncles, Meiji...
While one weeps... ...the others watch with disdain sipping a fucking Pepsi! Photo 1 from here and Photo 2 from here . P.S: I am not an anti-semetic, but what Israel is doing is wrong. What they are doing is pouring a ship load of oil into a flame which will keep on burning for a very very long time...

Oh my, its 09!

And its that time of the year to sit back and reflect on what yours truly did last year! Found a tag in Vimmuuu's blog (wazzup with the u's!?) and it would better to reflect on point blank questions rather than drawl on endlessly! I guess people who read this are better off doing the tag since it is rumoured that people who failed to do so are subjected to poking in the ass with a trident by devils while they are asleep! Don't believe me? Here he is! So far, so blah! Lets hit it! 1. What did you do in 2008 that you’d never done before? Starting living with room mates after years of solitary confinement in a comfortable room of my own! 2. Did you keep up your 2008 resolutions, and will you make more for 2009? I don't take resolutions since I am sure to break them! This year though, I have taken a couple. Start working on something creative I have been thinking for a while and stop being a control freak when it comes to people close to you. 3. What would you like to hav...