Okies...I have stopped bitching about 'Time'...either its crawling or flying...How would 'Time' feel? I have to consider its feeling also!:-P Enough PJ...lets jump into the pool...err...the topic! The first time I heard about Technical Writing was during my early college days...at that time I was totally disillusioned with a normal IT job and was looking into management. Deep down inside, I knew I was a techie and the conflict was always there. I searched around for freelance jobs and found some creative writing jobs or rather a website( Chillibreeze ) were one could quote for projects and get the job done. It sounded interested and I applied. They told me to do a write up on .net of all things! Being an open source aficionado it was a killing blow. Still I managed to write a very decent article and I was successfully placed in their pool. Next came the biggest block. I didn't have regular net connection and couldn't quote the projects on time. Also, there wer...
Not many confessions...Not too dangerous...At times a little out of mind!